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The Body Beautiful

Waiting for you, such pain and pleasure. You dwell in my thoughts every day. When I become aware of your absence, I am floating in a lake of missing you, treading frantically. I swim to shore and wonder why this torture. What sin requires such emptiness? But - what if I had no one to miss? An endless circle this gasping for love, to breathe you, to fill my days and nights touching, holding, pleasing you. Yes, I want to please you ‘til heaven hears your cry of ecstasy. That’s what I want to give to you and see it on your face and hear it in your sighs.

While you sleep, I will put my feelings on paper and tell you that you are so beautiful. I will write poetry about you, to you and for you. I will turn my longing for you into music for all lovers. Sleep well, My Darling.

Close to you, inside you, breathing you, being you - that’s love 
- Gaille Hunter

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